CYIA 2023 Student Application
Statement of Faith and Workers Compliance
Child Protection Policy and video
Background Check (if you are over 18 years old)
The CYIA Student Financial Support Missionary Program -
The program is designed to offset costs and provide a modest amount of income for those involved in CYIA activities for students who rely on summer income.
Every CYIA student commits to completing at least four (4) 5DCs during the summer. This is the minimum commitment for this program as well.
However, as a CYIA Student Financial Support Missionary Program participant, you are welcome to be involved in as many clubs as the Lord allows. Each one will be compensated in the same way.
Each 5DC is counted as 10 total hours. The club itself is designed to run 90 minutes (1 1/2 hours). You are also expected to be at club at least 15 minutes early and to remain for a post-club evaluation that typically runs at least 15 minutes. This makes 2 hours per day, 10 hours per week (2hrs x 5days). 2 hours per day, per club, is the maximum amount of time, even if the club interactions go longer.
By law, funds given by donors cannot be allocated to specific individuals. All funds are donated to a pool of support. Some students will raise more than their needed amount. Some students will raise less. We believe the Lord is in this process and has always provided enough support for the students participating.
Funds received by your supporters, though, are tracked to your account. If there is a shortfall following the summer, we would ask that you prayerfully consider telling your supporters this in your follow-up thank-you letter. The Lord may use this to provide the needed funds. Our model is to “Ask God. Tell His People.”
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